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What Is Respite Care?

Discover the importance of respite care for adults—a lifeline for caregivers, offering relief, preventing burnout, and fostering sustainable, quality support.
Published on
November 27, 2023
Presented by Givers
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Are you burnt out? Daily caregiving tasks, along with seeing a family member decline in health, take a significant toll. Feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability, and exhaustion are common among caregivers. Family caregivers need to take a break, yet many resist respite care because of guilt, concerns about costs, or not knowing where to turn for help. 

What is respite care?

Respite care is a temporary and short-term caregiving service designed to provide relief to unpaid caregivers, often family members, who are responsible for caring for individuals with special needs, disabilities, or chronic illnesses. This type of care allows caregivers to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities, rest, recharge, and attend to their well-being.

During respite care, trained professionals or volunteers assist with the daily tasks, supervision, and support required by the individual. Respite care can take various forms, including in-home care, day programs, or short-term stays at specialized facilities, aiming to ensure that caregivers can maintain their physical and emotional well-being while continuing to provide the best care for their loved ones over the long term.


Who are you caring for?

When might an adult require respite care?

Several situations may lead to the need for respite care for adults, including:

Caregiver fatigue

Adults with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or age-related conditions may have caregivers, often family members, who provide constant support. Over time, this continuous responsibility can lead to caregiver fatigue, both physically and emotionally. Respite care allows caregivers to take a break, preventing burnout and maintaining the quality of care.

Recovery from surgery or illness

Individuals recovering from surgeries or illnesses may temporarily require additional assistance and supervision during their rehabilitation period. Respite care can offer support in these transitional phases, ensuring that the individual's recovery is adequately managed.

Special needs

Adults with special needs or developmental disabilities may benefit from respite care to provide their primary caregivers with relief. This type of care can offer individuals with special needs an opportunity to engage in social activities, participate in programs, and develop a sense of independence.

Support for aging adults

As people age, they may face challenges associated with physical or cognitive decline. Respite care can be valuable for aging adults and their caregivers, offering assistance with daily activities, ensuring medication adherence, and providing companionship.

Family emergencies or obligations

Family members who are primary caregivers may face unforeseen emergencies or obligations that require their immediate attention. Respite care provides a temporary solution, allowing someone else to step in and support the individual in need during these times.

Vacation or holiday for primary caregiver

This is often times another utilization of respite care, giving the primary care provider a break or vacation, time to travel, et cetera.

End-of-life care

In situations where an individual is receiving end-of-life care at home, respite care can offer relief to family caregivers. This support ensures that the person receiving care is attended to with compassion while allowing family members to take necessary breaks to cope with the emotional challenges of the situation.

Types of respite care

Short-term care ranges from getting help with your caregiving responsibilities for a few hours to having someone care for your loved one around the clock for a week or more. Some popular options include:

  •  In-home respite is where a home health aide, volunteer, or friend/family member provides care. This allows the primary caregiver to leave the home for a short while.
  •  Adult daycare centers that provide activities and supervision. Transportation to/from the center may be arranged.
  •  Short-term stays in a nursing home, assisted living, or hospice facility. Skilled care and monitoring are provided 24/7.
  •  Care from friends/family in their home or the care recipient's home. Overnight or weekend stays can give the caregiver an extended break.
  •  Respite programs through government, non-profit, or faith-based organizations. These services are often free or low-cost.

Different types of reprieve support are available depending on what you need and what resources are available. 


Can you get paid to care for your loved one?

woman smiling

How to find respite care services

If you are a caregiver looking for a break, several resources can help you locate temporary care. Your friends and family may be willing to volunteer to give you a break, even if it's just for 4-6 hours. Your religious groups and non-profits may have volunteer respite programs you can use. 

You can also ask your care recipient's doctor for referrals to home health agencies, adult day care centers, and short-term skilled nursing facilities. 

Area Agencies on Aging have information on local respite resources, and you can contact the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 for more information. Finally, the ARCH National Respite Network offers a Respite Locator Service at with state-by-state respite options.

Who pays for respite care?

Respite care provides temporary relief for caregivers. Friends, family, volunteers, religious groups, or non-profits may offer it free. However, professional in-home care, adult day care, and short-stay facilities charge fees. Unfortunately, many family caregivers pay out of pocket for quality care. However, your loved one may be eligible for aid.

How to pay for respite care

Interim care benefits both caregivers and seniors by providing a break for caregivers and an opportunity for seniors to engage in activities and receive the care they need. Here are six options for covering costs:

  1.  Medicare may cover hospice or short skilled nursing facility stays for respite.
  2.  Medicaid often pays for home health aides and adult day care for low-income individuals.
  3.  Veterans may qualify for Aid and Attendance respite benefits.
  4.  Long-term care insurance may offer limited respite coverage. Check policy details.
  5.  Self-pay through pensions, investments, or other assets. Comparison shop for best rates.
  6.  Crowdfunding through websites like is an option for some families.

It may be difficult to ask others for help or to apply for assistance. However, remember - if you get burnt out from caregiving - you will not be able to help your loved one. Your self-care is as important as their long-term care.

Benefits of respite care for caregivers

Respite care offers several crucial benefits for caregivers. Firstly, it provides a much-needed break from the demanding and often emotionally taxing caregiving responsibilities, allowing caregivers to relax, recharge, and address their own physical and mental well-being. This respite can help prevent caregiver burnout, reduce stress, and enhance overall mental health. Additionally, respite care enables caregivers to balance their caregiving duties and personal lives better, fostering healthier relationships and a more sustainable caregiving commitment. 

The temporary relief provided by respite care also allows caregivers to attend to other aspects of their lives, such as work, social engagements, or personal interests, contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Ultimately, respite care plays a crucial role in supporting the overall well-being of caregivers, enhancing their ability to provide sustained, high-quality care to their loved ones in the long term.

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