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Affordable Background Check Options: Protect Your Loved Ones

Family caregivers can find the best (and most affordable) background check options in this article, including options, costs, and red flags.
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May 9, 2023
Presented by Givers
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As an unpaid family caregiver, you may need to run a background check on a paid caregiver or another vendor when considering hiring someone to care for a loved one. A background check can help you verify the individual's identity, education, employment history, criminal record, and other relevant information. This information can help you decide whether the individual is a good fit for your family and can be trusted to provide safe and effective care for your loved one. Additionally, running a background check can help you avoid scams or fraud by weeding out individuals with a history of dishonesty or other red flags.

What is included in a background check?

The specific information you get when you run a background check can vary depending on the type of check and the provider you use. However, here is a list of some of the common types of information that may be included in a background check:

  1. Criminal history records
  2. Arrest records (if the arrest led to a conviction; if it did not, the record may not show up)
  3. Employment history and work verification
  4. Education and professional credential verification
  5. Credit reports and financial records
  6. Driving records
  7. Social media and online presence checks
  8. Reference checks
  9. Sex offender registry checks
  10. Professional license verification
  11. Drug screening results

The information provided in a background check may be subject to legal limitations, such as certain criminal records that cannot be reported after a certain amount of time has passed. Work with a reputable background check provider who can help ensure that the information provided is accurate and legally compliant.

Average cost of a background check

The cost of a background check can vary depending on the level of detail required and the type of information being searched. On average, a basic background check can cost anywhere from $20 to $50, while a more comprehensive check can cost upwards of $100 or more. 

Factors that can affect the cost of a background check include:

  • The number of jurisdictions searched.
  • The types of databases used.
  • The amount of time required to complete the check.

Some background check providers offer subscription-based services or discounted rates for bulk orders, which can help reduce the overall cost. 

The cost of a background check should not be the sole determining factor when selecting a provider, as the accuracy and reliability of the information provided are paramount in making an informed decision about the safety and well-being of your loved one.

Options for running a background check

There are several options for running a background check, each with pros and cons. Some of the most common options include:

Online background check websites

These websites allow you to run a background check on an individual using their name and other personal information. These sites can be convenient and relatively affordable, but they may not always provide the most accurate or up-to-date data.

>> The cost of online background check websites can range from free to $50 or more, depending on the level of detail and the provider. Some sites offer subscription-based services or packages that include multiple checks at a discounted rate.

Professional background check companies

Consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) specialize in collecting and compiling information to provide consumer reports, like background check reports, to third parties. CRAs often have access to more comprehensive databases and can provide more detailed information, but they can also be more expensive.

>> The cost of professional background check companies can range from $20 to $150 or more per check, depending on the level of detail and the provider. Some companies offer volume discounts for larger orders.

Law enforcement agencies

You can request a background check from local law enforcement agencies, although the process can be time-consuming and may require fingerprinting or other forms of identification.

>> The cost of obtaining a background check from law enforcement agencies can vary depending on the agency and the type of check requested. Some agencies charge a nominal fee, while others charge more for fingerprinting or other services.

DIY methods

You can also conduct a background check by searching public records, social media, and other online sources. This method can be time-consuming and may only sometimes provide the most reliable information.

>> The cost of conducting a background check on your own can vary depending on the sources used. Some sources, such as public records, may be free, while others, such as online databases, may require a fee or subscription.

Ultimately, the best option for running a background check will depend on your specific needs and budget. Choose a reputable provider and carefully review the information to ensure accuracy and completeness.


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Popular online background check services

There are several popular online background check services available. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

  1. BeenVerified: BeenVerified is a popular background check service that offers a variety of reports, including criminal records, contact information, and employment history. The service costs $26.89 per month for unlimited reports.
  2. Intelius: Intelius offers background checks, people search, and reverse phone lookup services. The cost of a background check ranges from $39.95 to $49.95, depending on the level of detail.
  3. Instant Checkmate: Instant Checkmate provides criminal background checks, people search, and reverse phone lookup services. The cost of a background check is $34.78 per month for unlimited reports.
  4. TruthFinder: TruthFinder offers criminal records, contact information, and other public records information. A background check costs $28.78 per month for unlimited reports.
  5. PeopleFinders: PeopleFinders offers background checks, people search, and reverse phone lookup services. A background check ranges from $1.95 for a basic search to $49.95 for a comprehensive report.

It's important to note that each of these services may offer different levels of detail and accuracy, and it's important to carefully review the information provided to ensure its reliability before making any decisions based on the results.

Free online background check options 

Some free online background check services are available, although these may provide less detail or accuracy than paid services. Here are some examples of free online background check services:

  1. National Center for State Courts: The National Center for State Courts offers a free online court records database for all 50 states, although access to specific records may require a fee.
  2. Google: A simple search can provide basic information about an individual, such as their social media profiles, employment history, and other public records.
  3. County and state government websites: Many county and state government websites offer free access to public records, including criminal records, property records, and other information.
  4. Family Watchdog: Family Watchdog provides a free online database of registered sex offenders in the United States.

While these services may be free, they may not always provide accurate or up-to-date information and may not include all relevant information. Relying solely on free background check services may not be sufficient in ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones.

How to complete a background check

The process for completing a background check can vary depending on the provider and the type of check requested. However, here is a general guide for how to complete a background check:

  1. Determine the type of check needed: There are several background checks, including criminal history, employment history, credit history, and more. Determine which kind of check is required for your specific situation.
  2. Choose a provider: Choose a reputable provider specializing in the type of check needed. Review the provider's pricing, level of detail, and accuracy before deciding.
  3. Gather necessary information: The information needed for a background check will depend on the type of check requested but typically includes the individual's full name, date of birth and Social Security number.
  4. Submit a request: Depending on the provider, you can submit a request online or by phone. Some providers may require a signed release form from the individual being checked.
  5. Review the results: Once the background check is complete, review the results carefully to ensure accuracy and completeness. Contact the provider for further clarification if there are any discrepancies or concerns.

When conducting a background check for a paid caregiver, it's important to prioritize data privacy and security. Sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers and criminal records, must be kept secure to prevent identity theft or fraud. It's also essential to use reputable providers prioritizing data privacy and security, ensuring the information is kept confidential and used only for the intended purpose. Choosing a trustworthy provider can help safeguard against potential data breaches or misuse of personal information.

What red flags should you look for?

When reviewing the results of a background check, several potential red flags may indicate cause for concern.

Here are some examples:

  1. A criminal history that includes severe or violent crimes, multiple offenses, or recent convictions may be a red flag, mainly if the individual works with vulnerable populations such as children or the elderly.
  2. Significant gaps in employment or a pattern of short-term employment may raise questions about reliability or work performance.
  3. Misrepresentations or false claims about education or professional credentials may indicate dishonesty or a lack of integrity.
  4. Poor credit history or financial irresponsibility may raise concerns about the individual's ability to manage financial responsibilities.
  5. Harmful or concerning activity on social media or other online platforms may indicate poor judgment or behavior that could be problematic in a caregiving role.

Each situation is unique, and not all red flags may necessarily be disqualifying. However, it's essential to consider any concerns raised by the background check and to have open and honest conversations with the individual being checked and any relevant parties.


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Importance of ongoing monitoring

Ongoing monitoring of paid caregivers or other vendors is an essential part of ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved one. Even if a person passes a background check and is hired, their performance and behavior may change. Regular check-ins and performance evaluations can help identify issues or concerns and allow for timely intervention before any harm is done.

Ongoing monitoring helps ensure the caregiver provides high-quality care and adheres to professional standards, which can include monitoring the person's punctuality, communication skills, and overall job performance and checking in with your loved one to ensure they are satisfied with the care they are receiving.

Background checks protect your loved ones

To ensure the safety and happiness of your loved ones, always conduct a thorough background check on potential caregivers. Fortunately, there are affordable and even free options available for this. From public records to professional online services, find out what you need to know about a potential caregiver. By following guidelines and using the information gathered, you can select the ideal caregiver for your family and enjoy peace of mind.

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