Max Mayblum

Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®

Max is the founder and CEO of Givers. Motivated by his personal exposure to family caregiving and his background in healthtech, he started the company on a mission to help caregivers get long overdue support and resources. Max is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)® and is passionate about helping caregivers find the joy and connection in their role.

Written by Max Mayblum

Medicare Open Enrollment: What You Should Know

Medicare is an insurance policy provided by the federal government to elderly and disabled Americans so they can receive healthcare. Each year, medicare open enrollment offers the opportunity to drop, enroll, or change your loved one's medicare plan. It's important to take the time to evaluate the current medicare plan to determine if it's the best plan for you or your loved one.
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How To Manage The Rising Cost of Living on a Fixed Income

The rising cost of living causes many seniors to struggle with meeting their financial obligations. This can lead to seniors cutting expenses by skipping meals, rationing medication, canceling appointments and more. There are some strategies that you can use to help your loved one continue to have their needs met while covering their expenses.
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What Is The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit?

Discover how tax credits, like the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, can significantly reduce your tax bill, and learn how to maximize your eligibility.
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Why Family Caregivers Should Get Paid

Family caregivers provide $470 billion in unpaid care. Here is the case for compensating them. Within that, learn how Givers can help you save on each care giving purchase you make just with a simple card!
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Reviewed by Max Mayblum
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What is Adult Day Health Care?

Discover how Adult Day Health Care programs provide comprehensive daytime care for adults with health conditions, offering vital support for both participants and caregivers.
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What Is The Older Americans Act Nutrition Program?

Discover how the Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program supports older adult's food security and health with home-delivered and congregate meals.
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Dementia Patient Not Eating: Practical Strategies for Caregivers

Learn how dementia affects appetite and discover strategies to encourage eating, address nutrition challenges, and make mealtimes meaningful for your loved one.
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Low Vision Devices: Helping Your Loved One See Clearly

Discover how assistive technology empowers those with low vision to regain independence and enjoy daily activities despite visual impairments.
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How Long Is Short-Term Disability?

Learn about short-term disability insurance, its benefits, eligibility, application process, alternatives, and how it can provide financial stability during temporary disabilities.
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What Is The Ticket To Work Program?

Learn how the Ticket to Work Program helps disability beneficiaries return to work with job search assistance, training, and support while maintaining benefits.
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What is the Title IV-E Guardianship Assistance Program?

Learn about the Title IV-E Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP), providing financial support and resources for family members who become legal guardians of children in foster care.
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What Is Supported Decision Making?

Explore Supported Decision-Making (SDM), a person-centered alternative to guardianship that empowers individuals with disabilities to make their own informed decisions with the help of trusted supporters.
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SSI Wage Reporting: A Guide For Family Caregivers

Learn how to report wages for SSI to ensure accurate benefits for your loved ones.
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